Our Path To Awesome Outcomes
Starts With The Brief
I’ll ask the right questions to uncover the truth about why you need a new website and exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve. Some of these questions may seem a little uncomfortable. In fact, if it doesn’t get a little awkward, then chances are I haven’t done my job.
Then The Sitemap
Once I have all the information I need, I’ll build a visual sitemap so we can all get on the same page very quickly about what it is we’re trying to communicate and the best way to structure the information. Here’s an example of one I baked earlier.
The Prototype
Now instead of trying to tell you what I intend to build and hoping you understand my jargon, at this point I’ll build an interactive prototype in the browser to show you how my solution will work. With no attention to design at this stage, it ain’t pretty, but it gets us close real quick. Here’s one I prepared earlier.
The Design
The fun begins during the design stage because we get to play with the crayons and colouring pencils to bring your interactive prototype to life to match your brand identity. Here’s the same website fully designed.
The Delivery
Finally, we go underground for a couple of weeks and make sure everything is plugged in and tested before deploying your shiny new website to your hosting server so you can show it off to the whole world.