30 Must Do Marketing Tips
Below are some helpful Marketing Tips and Promotional ideas to assist your business, cement existing relationships and get you thinking about how to improve your bottom line!
- Never let a day go by without engaging in at least one marketing activity.
Set yourself a Marketing Plan for the year and revise it quarterly. Employ the services of a Marketing Consultant if you need help, or better yet, read our article on Marketing Plan Guide.
Never leave home without your business cards!
Identify your company’s image and set about to improve it. Ensure it reflects what you stand for and how you want to be represented in the marketplace. This extends to all business stationery, website and any other promotional material. Ensure that all of your promotional material includes your website address and phone number. If you need help, read our article Know Your Company Image.
Do you have a website and does it look professional? Something that looks like your cousin’s teenage son threw it together isn’t exactly the professional image you may wish to project. Does it inform the viewer with rich content and interesting articles relevant to your industry? Is there any reason why someone should keep going back to your site? See our article on Websites that Work if you want to learn more.
Get your website linked! When you are linked to quality websites, it not only increases the random traffic to your site, it greatly heightens your chances of moving up the ranking ladder of search engines. For more free tips on how to do this, look at our Search Engine Optimisation section.
Never ever spam people with annoying marketing emails. It paints your business in a bad light and it is illegal. Your on-line advertising must be invited by the recipient. One way to generate a database of willing recipients is to include a check box on your website where the visitor gives you permission to email updates about products and services.
Know what makes you different from your competition. What makes your services or products unique and does your company literature reflect this? You must also get to know your competition and what they are doing. Read trade publications, newspapers and research your competition’s websites.
Ask your clients why they have hired your business, or buy your products.
Ask former clients why they no longer do business with you.
Does your company have a mission statement? Is it still relevant and visible, and do your staff reflect your business’ vision?
What is the state of your reception and board room? If it looks tired and cluttered, clean it up and paint it NOW! Proudly display your products and move the clutter out. You have to look like you care because first impressions always count.
Identify a new market that your sales team may not have canvassed. Look at Marketing Tips in Social Media for example.
Top 25 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Experts
Thank your existing clients for their business. Even just a hand written thank you note can go a long way in continuing loyalty and customer relations.
Publish a newsletter for customers and new prospects, highlighting the great work your business conducts. A well written and thought out newsletter is a good way to remain at the forefront of your client’s mind. See our article Selling In Publications for more information.
Christmas time is a great time to create a corporate calendar, Christmas card or other great customised gift to further promote your business.
Five digital marketing tips for retailers this Christmas
Excite your clients with a special promotion or discount offer in a clever direct mail campaign to your data base. You could even win back some old business! Consider buying a mailing list to send out your direct mail piece. For more detailed information, see our article, The Power of Direct Mail.
Get some FREE advertising, the best type! Update your press release kit and find an interesting angle, write an article for a trade magazine or the local newspaper and send it out. If you have no idea what a Press Release Kit is, read our article Your Press Release Kit for more information.
Attend networking meetings, industry seminars, trade shows, and even school presentation nights. A casually exchanged business card followed up by a phone call the next day can lead to all kinds of business possibilities. If the very thought of networking terrifies you, read our article How to Network!
Align yourself with a charity or local not for profit organisation such as a school, and work together to host a special event or fund raiser for them. Capitalise on the publicity, the good will and extended networking possibilities while helping others.
Do you track your advertising? Analyse your current press ads and look at what is working and don’t repeat mistakes. Why did it succeed or fail? Was it a poorly designed ad? Was it a bad position? Did it reach your target market and was there a call to action? Read our article Does Your Ad Work for more information.
Invest in a memorable phone number, and if you do a lot of interstate selling, obtain a 1800 number.
Your car and Sales Team’s cars are great moving billboards for your business.
Obtain a stand at a Trade Show attended by your target market and put together a dynamic presentation that can be re-used. Utilise the opportunity and obtain as many contact details as you can by conducting a competition with a great prize.
If you are a specialist in your field, teach a class or seminar at the local community education centre, and gain a greater public profile.
Start every day with two cold calls from either business referrals or entrants in competitions from Trade Show events.
Hire a professional when a specialist job is required. Set your budget early so there are never any nasty surprises when you receive your invoice.
Do not ever sell, lend or swap your contact’s business details. This is classified information and has been entrusted to you. Make this clear to all who visit your website or subscribe to your newsletter.
Provide excellent service, on time, on budget and with a smile. Funny how this simple formula never fails to keep business returning every time!
Have I missed anything? What else would you add to this list?
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