Icon Innovations
Icon Innovations

The Social Video Forecast for 2016 [Infographic]

by Peter Wennersten | Marketing Trends, Value Marketing, Video

JUNE, 2016
Video Marketing is huge. One hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second. Over 4 billion videos are viewed a day. YouTube is monetizing over 3 billion video views per week globally. Facebook now sees 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users. That’s up from just 4 billion video views per day in April. To make this a more relatable to marketers Animoto has conducted their 2016 Social Video Forecast infographic to focus your video marketing and engage viewers through the relevant media.
[tweet_dis _builder_version=”3.0.47″]84% of professional marketers have produced or outsourced at least one video for brand marketing in the past 12 months [/tweet_dis]
The 2016 Social Video Forecast Infographic – Animoto
Animoto conducted the Social Video Forecast survey with 1,000 professional marketers and 1,012 small – and medium-sized business owners. Video continues to grow in both uploads and consumption. This survey confirms that video marketing is attracting more business with some interesting highlights including the following stats:
“76.5% of professional marketers and SMB owners that have used video marketing said it had a direct impact on their business.”
[tweet_dis _builder_version=”3.0.47″]76.5% of professional marketers and SMB owners that have used video marketing say it has had a direct impact on their business.[/tweet_dis][tweet_dis _builder_version=”3.0.47″]SMB owners and marketers view video marketing as a skill more desirable than email, design, or written marketing.[/tweet_dis]

Final thoughts on Video Marketing

The Social Video Forecast highlights the importance of video to marketers. It also provides some great detail on where the best results are to be found. There are many great services and tools like Animoto that make video far more accessible and easy to use for business owners. The key is to know your audience, where they consume video that drives action, not just consumption. For video marketing provide the right content, branding and messaging to open up this exciting medium for your business.

I would like to know what marketing video examples have inspired or encouraged you? Has video made a difference to the way you market? What difference is video marketing making to your business?

Peter Wennersten

Peter Wennersten


Passionate about family, friends and flying. Founder @iconinnovations building brand experiences for local business, small and large, to thrive in the social economy through Creative, Design, Digital, Marketing and Social.

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