The Challenge
A chance meeting between Tom Kime, Sajad and Belinda in mid 2010 started what is today a thriving Sustainable Seafood Café – Fish And Co in Sydney.
Very quickly they realised that they could fulfil their passions and make Fish & Co a reality. Even faster was the way they brought this all together to have a new premises, branding and website open and ready in early August 2010.
As a friend of Sajad I was asked if we could meet and plan their online branding, Website and social marketing strategy with the sustainable seafood cafe core idea soon catching fire in all of us. The challenge in this sector was to empower customers through accountability, education, sharing and demonstration that together as consumers we can make a significant difference in the seafood industry.
By launch date we had what is now a place where anyone interested can learn about responsible fishing and the species that are not only very tasty but also not under threat. Blending the fish with Toms other passion for natural Asian flavours has only made the Fish & Co story even stronger.
The Solution
Today we are aiming to build the brand in all areas and have the web site as a repository for information of not only sustainable seafood and fishing but also other sustainable business practices. Combine this with regular posted updates, Videos, booking and shopping facilities as well as regular cooking classes and events. We hope to develop a passionate long term following of customers not only looking to share a great night out with high quality food but also the knowledge that they are now directly contributing to the solutions and spreading the good news.
As Tom has so clearly spelt out, Fish & Co. believes that we can all enjoy eating seafood for years to come if we consciously decide to only use certified sustainable catch. If we look after our marine environments, then the fish will do the rest for us for free.
Wherever possible the fish and seafood will be certified sustainable from the Marine Stewardship Council. In 2013 Fish & Co became the first NSW restaurant to be fully certified by the Marine Stewardship Council. This enables them to have a full traceable chain of custody to all the fisheries and suppliers used by Fish & Co. Customers are able to check the restaurant fish back to the boat and sector of the ocean that it was fished. This restaurant certification is a transparent guarantee of environmental sustainability. This system is becoming very popular with restaurants and consumers in England, Europe, and America.
All of Fish & Co’s fish have been sourced and checked to ensure that they come from sustainable sources so that we can protect the future of our oceans and our love of fish.
Tom has long been an advocate of sustainable fishing and has won the World Gourmand Award for Best SUstainable Book 2011 for his Travel cook book collaboration with Bart Van Olphen – Fish Tales , which, if you are interested, you can find out more on at fish & Co
To a Sustainable Future
Corporate Branding
Website & Social Design
Marketing Strategy

- Desktop Traffic55%
- Mobile Traffic65%
- Direct Traffic80%
- Conversion Rate65%
- Email Subscribers20%
The results continue to grow
The Greatest pleasure we have all had is to see how hungry and loyal customers are to the sustainable seafood story.
To simply knowing where your fish has come from and that with a little effort we can all make a significant contribution to the serious issue of a sustainable seafood supply.
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